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Jan 21, 20243 min read
when it stops being so easy
It had to happen sometime. The magic of Ozempic for me is how it shut down, nearly completely, the endless food chatter in my brain. The...
Jul 6, 20233 min read
giving away the key to the kingdom
This morning, I took my latest favorite mug (it changes depending on how the thing feels in my hand, against my lips, and how long it...
Jun 8, 20232 min read
there’s only so much one can do
...when one is neurodivergent, when it comes to sensory stuff. My flavour of neurospicitude encompasses oversensitivity to most any...
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May 31, 20232 min read
breakfast with pancake
A little bacon-bacon-bacon-pancake to start your day? Why? Why the hell not. I love this silly bird. (Not enough to want one of my own,...
May 30, 20232 min read
my mouth feels weird
There are teef surfaces in places there weren't before (this was the plan). The texture is rough (such is the thing with...
May 29, 20232 min read
it’s all fun and games till the drill comes out
So yay for me, I'm getting my front teeth fixed today, finally, at 2pm. So excited. Fun. Think of how nice I'll look. There were...
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May 28, 20232 min read
thrifting with Heidi
I was thrifting with my friend Heidi last week when, at 61, I clearly saw my body in the change-room mirror for the first time in my...
May 17, 20232 min read
how i break myself
For the second time since starting Ozempic last September, I found myself un-injected midweek. I do my shot every Monday night. Or I'm...
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May 15, 20231 min read
weird, but with a cause
I cannot tell you how many things I've learned about myself from watching TikTok. But I can tell you some of the actual things...the ones...
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